Friday, November 1, 2019

No, Fallout 1st players aren't getting all the new items for free. They have to pay, using the Atoms they get from the subscription.

Let's get this out of the way. I do not work for Bethesda. Please, please read my other posts. This has been covered many times.
I simply leak things in MMOGs that I find interesting. So this will be my last post for a while. I just can't deal with all the anger, hate, and other issues people are sending my way. I do this for fun, and some of you make it hell.

I have a few leakers that tell me things on the condition that I don't reveal who they are. That is all. To think or believe anything else, is moronic.

So to answer the #1 question I have been getting - no, not all new things will be given to Fallout 1st members free or charge. There will be Fallout 1st exclusive items that you have to spend Atoms on. 

Yes, that means there will be exclusive items that Fallout 1st subscribers get to purchase for Atoms. 
As of now, even vaulted items are being considered, as well as plenty of new gear. They are even discussing a "try it first" program, where Fallout 1st players get to buy things before anyone else.

Fallout 1st will have a trial eventually. Right now a week long trial is planned, although that could change. This trial is not coming for some time, since the overall subscription sales have been excellent. In regular Bethesda fashion this has already been given away as the "test entitlements" issue became known. 

Finally, there is an internal memo going around Bethesda condemning this site and a few YouTubers for "fanning the flames". Staff are told not to speak to anyone without HR having the final say. Seems like they are taking the BioWare approach to handling their game when it comes to communication. 

I am still told that the community has a lot of impact on how Fallout 76 turns out, so don't quite down and let them get away with whatever they wish, otherwise full P2W may be on the way. In fact, Bethesda will be introducing a few items that they consider "borderline" in the next few months. If the community remains quite about these pay to win utility items, Bethesda will just keep going.
The power is in your hands. Speak with your wallets or accept whatever they deem appropriate.